Memories of a golden boyhood

IT'S been a long time coming, but I'm finally fulfilling a promise to my family to produce a collection of my boyhood yarns from the wonderful 1950s - one of the great decades of my life.
All the stories in this book are true, lovingly recalled from a time when children ran free in the fields, enjoying the exquisite pageant of life that was available to us in early post-war Britain.
Among the characters featured are my beloved dog Jack, my pal Tez, Mrs Jelly at The Peculiar Shop in Paddock Street, my first 'girlfriend' Jenny Lee, Jimmy Wallis and his giant truck tyre, Sid Wells the Demon Barber, and Mr Kirby the Dancing Man.
Each is faithfully and affectionately recorded in a series of short but - I hope - charming tales from an age of innocence, when childhood was an adventure from dawn till dusk.
Above: The proposed front cover of Mr Kirby the Dancing Man, due out by next Christmas.