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He ain't heavy, he's my coiled pot!

CAN I just make it clear that I am not in the world's top 100 potters? Bernard Leach has nothing to fear. Nor does Shoji Hamada. Jason Wason is safe. So - even - is Grayson Perry.

Even so, I'm just a little bit proud of my new, tall coiled pot - an earthenware edifice which now graces an alcove in our sitting room.

It's a bit heavy - my pieces usually are - but I always explain to my fellow potters that I like my works to be 'well grounded', securely in contact with whatever they're standing on. I have little time for faint-hearted pots. I like them to stand their ground.

No delicate porcelain pieces for me. My bottles and vases are manly creations. If they fall on your head, all I can say is - sorry about that, but get medical attention.

Anyway, here it is, a noble structure with milky glaze, solid as a field-gun shell, fresh out of the kiln at Penzance School of Art. Enjoy!

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